Teaching Resources
Much of classical music is in sonata form; it's a very clear form, like a sonnet or a limerick, and understanding it makes listening to the music much more rewarding. I wrote this silly song, which is both in and about sonata form, to teach the form to my students. Click image to listen, and feel free to use it in your own study or teaching.
Click here to download a pdf including the piano part
Click here to download just the vocal part with chords
The one-eared llama is a helpful hand position, especially for pianists with small hands.
Here’s a brief list of some helpful resources.
Small Hands, Big Pieces: The Beethoven Sonatas
This was my presentation for the MTNA national conference held online in 2020.
Here is a pdf of the Thoughtful Changes License—you’re welcome to display or distribute it!
I begin every class with this short breathing meditation. Some students say it’s their favorite part of the week.
Do Nothing! Talk To Yourself! Two Important Habits for Building a Resilient Mindset
online presentation at the Costa Rica Piano Pedagogy Festival, March 2021